President Uhuru Kenyatta's Legacy And How It Has Impacted Kenya Positively. (Infrastructure)


Dr David Nyekorach Matsanga

When President Uhuru Kenyatta decided to seek the presidency and launched a fully fledged campaign to promote, sell and energetically crisscrossed the entire country to spread his message in the form of a well established, detailed, ambitious and realistic manifesto, many people who have read his blueprint and what he has in store for the great people of Kenya were a bit sceptical.

Mr Kenyatta cruised to victory and he had little or no time to savour, celebrate and enjoy his whirlwind journey that had been been bumpy but culminated in him clinching the top seat of power. He did immediately got down to work in a bid to implement his manifesto which pledged alot of positive development.

From infrastructure to investing heavily in education to improving Healthcare and medical facilities to embarking on a mission to revive , resuscitate and equip many factories and industries that have been unoperation prior to his elections.

Almost 10 years later, President Uhuru has proven his detractors, doubters and those who questioned the sustainability of his impactful projects wrong. He has curved himself a leadership niche in the history of Kenya's leadership atmosphere by creating a Legacy that will be without a doubt, the most prosperous era of this country's existence.

President Kenyatta has earned positive reviews, plaudits, praises and accolades especially in his Infrastructure projects and it's subsequent success making the country among the well connected and modern transport hub of the south of Sahara.


Probably one of the prestigious, luxurious and effective project so far undertaken by the Jubilee administration , SGR has been the flagship project of President Kenyatta in his maiden period in office and it's hugely successful and timely completion has been one of the reasons the president endeared himself to the people. Kenyans have started to feel and enjoy the benefits of a well-established , modern and comfortable transport system that enable them to travel and haul their goods between Nairobi and the coastal city of Mombasa with relative ease and quicker.

Unlike the road transport which often result in delays due to traffic snarl up and breakdowns , unreliability of Bus services departure and arrival time, SGR made matters easier for Kenyans. No traffic and accidents menace while the duration of travelling is less than the bus service which takes almost 10 hours to shuttle from one destination to another. SGR is much cheaper compared to other modes of transport which charges exorbitant amount of money.

The line and it's operation has contributed immensely to the economy of the country while also availing job and employment opportunities to Kenyans.


President Uhuru Kenyatta was well aware that for a country to prosper , progress and develop, a well connected, designed , strategic and state of the art modern roads is not only necessary but important too. In his quest to open up the country, necessitating a smooth trading platform for businesses both in Kenya and it's neighbouring countries, he gave a huge chunk of funds , time and effort to ensure that Kenya enjoys a well interconnected road networks.

Dongo Kundu bypass and the LAPSSET are testimonies to how a visionary and well informed leader made road network a priority for his administration.

Phase one of the bypass completed at a cost Sh39 billion was opened in 2018 and runs from Mombasa Port’s second container terminal and joins the Mombasa-Nairobi highway at Bonje, near Mazeras.

Phase two will provide a solution to the notorious congestion at the Likoni Ferry, which is blamed for the slow economic activities and growth of the south coast region.

President Kenyatta's construction of infrastructural projects worth billions of shillings that straddle Kwale and Mombasa are aimed at facilitating easy movement of goods, services and people hence boosting the economy of the coastal region.

The multibillion-shilling phase two of the Dongo Kundu bypass has taken shape while creating jobs and business opportunities for the local residents.

The highway also known as the Mombasa Southern Bypass will connect three main transport corridors, including the Mombasa-Nairobi highway, Mombasa-Malindi highway and the Mombasa- Lunga Lunga highway and is expected to minimize traffic gridlocks in Mombasa and its environs.

The Dual carriageway is an important transport corridor for traffic destined to and from Tanzania and from the interior of the country and beyond. In the past, movement of goods was hindered since access to Mombasa Island from the mainland south, was through the Likoni ferry terminal.


Lamu Port South Sudan – Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor Project is an infrastructure project dedicated to interconnecting the East African countries of Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Kenya is spearheading the implementation of the LAPSSET Corridor Project. Completion of the LAPSSET Corridor Project will strengthen the position of the East African region as a gateway and transport – logistical hub.

The LAPSSET Corridor Program is the first single gigantic, integrated, transformative and game-changer infrastructure Project the Government of President Kenyatta has initiated and prepared under Vision 2030 Strategy Framework without external assistance. The project endeavors to deliver a just and prosperous middle income Kenya by the year 2030.

Thanks to President Kenyatta's efforts and commitments to leave a positive legacy,
He spearheaded the development of (LAPSSET) Corridor Project to strengthen Kenya's position as a gateway and a transport and logistics hub to the East African sub-region and the Great Lakes region to facilitate trade, promote regional economic integration and inter-connectivity between African countries.


President Uhuru Kenyatta has dedicated and committed himself to make Kenya a hub for global logistics and in his effort to ensure the economy continues to steadily rise and businesses keep the upward growth momentum, he turned the dream Lamu port into a reality. Today, Lamu county is enjoying having one of the best and modern ports in Africa in its vicinity thanks to the wise and informed leadership of Jubilee government under the stewardship of Uhuru Kenyatta.

The port, which was developed by China Communication Construction Company is crucial in addressing global logistical needs regionally as well as grow the country’s blue economy agenda while giving thousands of jobs and careers to many people. Both young and old.

The Lamu port, which is a part of an ambitious transport corridor between Lamu, South Sudan and Ethiopia is a 3 way thronged transport heaven comprising of roads,railway and pipeline to connect the port to the rest of East and Central Africa.

The Lamu port is without a doubt the cornerstone of the Kenyan government’s Vision 2030 development plan, and is now being branded as a ‘game changer’ project.

Thank you President Uhuru Kenyatta for developing and implementing your pledges. Indeed , you are a true definition of a real Pan African Leader.


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