
Showing posts from May, 2023

Hon Zamzam Mohammed is Exceptional Leader Whp Deserve our full Support

HON ZAMZAM MOHAMMED IS A PROGRESSIVE LEADER WHO MUST BE SUPPORTED BY ALL  Hon Zamzam Mohammed, make no mistake about her, has not only been amazing leader but she has also been hugely helpful, valuable and involved in many events meant to support and help the great people of Mombasa county.  She has been involved in life changing initiatives especially in her pursuit to empower women and youthful folks. She is and has always been passionate about empowerment and creating a pedestal over which our youths can help themselves be successful in life.  Many Women Groups have had the luck to be blessed by Hon Zamzam. Many youths have got jobs and started projects to earn a legitimate livelihoods. Indeed Hon Zamzam is a gem who deserves our full unwavering support

Hon Aden Duale, Cabinet Secretary Defence Delivers Lecture to 61 Course Participants at the Joint Command and Staff College

HON ADEN DUALE, CABINET SECRETARY DEFENCE DELIVERS A LECTURE TO 61 COURSE PARTICIPANTS AT THE JOINT COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE  In the continued and collective endeavour to find lasting solutions to security challenges facing the Horn of Africa, today, Hon Aden Duale was delighted to deliver a lecture of opportunity to 61 course participants at the Joint Command and Staff College (JCSC) in Karen, Nairobi. The lecture titled, ‘New Dawn in the Horn: Inching Towards Peace in the Region.' provided an opportunity for to elaborate a broad Strategic Security Environment of the Horn of Africa that has faced severe security challenges, among them human and drug trafficking, terrorism, cyber threat, misinformation, money laundering and proliferation of small arms. Further, Hon Duale took the opportunity to emphasize that Kenya remains an anchor State in the region that continues to offer leadership and active participation in peace and political stabilization processes in the regi

Drainage Systems are Vital for Development. Let's be Responsible and Protect our Drainages

DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ARE VITAL FOR ANY PLACE TO DEVELOP AND THRIVE. LETS BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.  *Abdi Sama Timberlake* Poor drainage is a traffic safety risk. Water may accumulate on the road like ponds. The accumulated water creates a risk of aquaplaning during rain. It also contributes to deformation of roads and erosion thus making the road not usable.  Poor drainage also causes flooding during rainy season. This causes many people to lose their homes and valuables.  Thanks to a visionary Department of Transport and Infrastructure Mombasa County, our drainage systems are monitored, assessed and fixed constantly.  As residents, we must all take responsibility and be part of what Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir is building- a great county with good Infrastructure. Let's desist dumping plastic materials and dirts into the drainage system. This will cause clogging and waste spillage thus affecting our health.  Let's commend and work with Dan Manyala who has been e

Mzee Mwinyi Mzee: An Ambitious Leader Dreaming To Empower the Coastal Community

MZEE MWINYI MZEE : AN AMBITIOUS LEADER DREAMING TO EMPOWER THE COASTAL COMMUNITY  A progressive, youthful and ambitious man who embodies grace, dedication and sheer brilliance. He is a leader on a mission. A mission which seems farfetched but to him is fairly realistic. What's the mission this man has set his eyes,mind and heart on? Empowering women and youths who he refers to as the "backbone of any society" Mzee Mwinyi Mzee, Chairman, Coast Development Board, youth matter crusader, community development agitator and education activist has been working with multiple women and youth groups in his endeavour to create long-term fiscal stability and progress within the community which he so much loves and cares about. The coastal community.  Mr Mwinyi has targeted this demography because he is convinced that a society that empowers women and the youthful generation is a successful, responsible and productive society.  "I have huge belief that when our mother

Hon Duale Chairs The First Plenary Session of the Contact Group on Illicit Maritime Activities

HON DUALE CHAIRS THE FIRST PLENARY SESSION OF THE CONTACT GROUP AGAINST ILLICIT MARITIME ACTIVITIES  Defence Cabinet Secretary Hon Aden Duale chaired the first Plenary Session of the Contact Group on Illicit Maritime Activities (CGIMA) at the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) Karen, Nairobi in the joint pursuit to combat illicit maritime activities, in collaboration with our global partners, During the session, Hon Duale reaffirmed Kenya’s commitment to collaborate with the global community in enhancing safety and security against threats such as terrorism, trafficking of nuclear materials and drugs as well as human trafficking and migrant smuggling, caused by illicit maritime activities through the sea or international waters. Hon Duale emphasized the need to create a border check system to ensure that terror groups do not find way to propagate criminal activities. Further, he said there's need to identify areas of possible capacity building by Member

CECM Dan Manyala is Transforming The Department of Transport and Infrastructure

DAN MANYALA IS TRANSFORMING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE  This man Dan Manyala  When he was named as the CECM Transport and infrastructure, he dived in and with him he brought passion,dedication and determination. He vowed fo fulfill the agendas of Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir pertaining his vision on matters Transport and infrastructure. The Governor, in his wisdom and endeavour to make Mombasa great has truly settled on the right person for the job.  Few months later, Manyala Dan has put in the hard work.  Our roads are in good condition and our drainage systems are working seamlessly. Our neighbourhoods are well lit enhancing commerce and security as traders do their businesses late into the night. Our traffic is well managed and the notorious snarl ups and congestion is no longer a thing.  Thank you Governor Abdulswamad for entrusting this vital department to a man who knows how its run.

Hon Aden Duale Meets With Uasin Gishu County Leadership To Resolve Military-Locals Issues

HON ADEN DUALE MEETS WITH UASIN GISHU COUNTY LEADERSHIP TO RESOLVE MILITARY-LOCALS ISSUES  As a follow-up on an earlier deliberative meeting to resolve the issues of locals settled on military land in Eldoret, today, at the Defence Headquarters, Hon Aden Duale met the leadership of the County Government of Uasin, National Land Commission (NLC) and the Ministry of Lands to draw a roadmap of resettling the locals. It was resolved that, in two weeks, officials from the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Ministry of Lands, National Land Commission and the leadership of Uasin Gishu County will visit the affected region to start the implementation of the resolution.   Hon Duale further reiterated that the military intends to remain a good neighbour to every community that hosts the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) to enable the them continue contributing to the security ecosystem and infrastructure development. The county leadership present included Governor Jonathan Bii, Senator Jackson Manda

Hon Zamzam Mohammed Issues Millions of Uwezo Funds to More than 70 Women Groups

HON ZAMZAM MOHAMMED ISSUES MILLIONS OF UWEZO FUNDS TO 70 WOMEN GROUPS. Mombasa County MP Hon Zamzam Mohammed has today issued Uwezo funds to more than 70 women groups in Nyali Constituency.  Hon Zamzam who is the Uwezo funds patron has urged the beneficiaries to use the funds to help themselves and the society urging them to invest in small scale businesses to sustain their families. "As the Patron of UWEZO fund together with the Nyali MP Hon Mohammed Ali we presided over the issuance of UWEZO fund cheques to 70women Groups amounting to 5.2Million." She posted on social media.  Hon Zamzam added  "Women should embrace real development and use the funds to better the economy of this country by investing in Small scale Businesses"

Department of Transport and infrastructure Mombasa County Deserves Commendation for the Exceptional Work

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE DESERVES TO BE COMMENDED FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL WORK. Our infrastructure is what drives our economy. The wellbeing of a society is informed by how well their roads and drainage system has been developed.  Thanks to a visionary leader in Governor Abdulswamad Shariff and his able CECM Transport and infrastructure Manyala Dan, our roads in Mombasa County have been given the improvement it soo well deserves. From the major roads in the midst of the CBD to the relatively small roads serving the far flung areas like Likoni, Jomvu and Kisauni, almost every road in Mombasa is now in good state. Rain or no rain, they are safe and passable.  Let's commend the exceptional job done by the Department of Transport and Infrastructure.

Hon Aden Duale "Were it not For My Mother I wouldn't have Grown to Who I am Today "

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MESSAGE FROM HON ADEN DUALE, CABINET SECRETARY DEFENCE  Were it not for my mother, I would not have grown from the herdsboy, strutting the dust and thistles of the North, into who I have become; the CS Defence.  Today, as the World honours Mothers' for their unconditional love, unwavering support and the countless sacrifices, I am happy the story of my mother - as is of other mothers - is also the first of the thirty-two chapters of my book, 'For the Record'.  It is for her that I dedicate all the proceeds from the sale of my book to charity. My little way of giving back to the community; just like she taught me.  Your mother is a door of mercy that Allah opened for you. Don’t close it.  Happy Mothers' Day!

CECM Mohamed Osman,Kenha inspects Mikindani Market

CECM TRADE MOHAMED OSMAN, KENHA INSPECT MIKINDANI MARKET  Trade,Tourism and Culture CECM Mohammed Osman together with KeNHA officials inspected the Mikindani Market.  The construction and dualling of the Mombasa Mariakani highway by KeNHA displaced many informal traders operating along the road corridor. KeNHA prepared a resettlement action plan (RAP) whose main purpose was to enhance restoration of the project affected persons (PAP’s) livelihoods and income streams to predisplacement levels.  The construction of a modern market was conceptualized under the livelihood restoration plan to settle the affected traders. The land on which the market sits belongs to KeNHA it measures 1.18 acres. It is strategically located along the highway making it easily accessible by the traders and the public.  The market will have two hundred concrete stall tables but it will accommodate more traders because of the open spaces within the market building.

Mwenda Thuranira and His Canadian Partners Donate Mattresses and other Learning Materials to Students

MWENDA THURANIRA AND CANADIAN PARTNERS DONATE MATTRESSES AND OTHER LEARNING MATERIALS TO THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS  Philanthropist, Real Estate mogul and one of the most vocal leaders on matters education Hon Mwenda Thuranira together with partners from Canada extended a supportive hand to thousands of bright but needy students from humble backgrounds benefit from multiple donations.  Mattresses and other vital learning materials were distributed to the clearly elated and happy students who ululated and danced in unison in a moment so satisfying.  Mr Mwenda, the Myspace CEO thanked his partners and urged the community to embrace education as a form of empowerment. He vowed to keep agitating for the welfare of the learners and improving education in the area.

Hamisi Mwaguya Joint Session with Cabinet Secretary, Board of Directors and Other Industry Players a Huge Success

HAMISI MWAGUYA, CHAIRMAN KENYA MARITIME AUTHORITY PRODUCTIVE JOINT SESSION WITH CS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OTHER INDUSTRY PLAYERS. Kenya Maritime Authority Chairman Hamisi Mwaguya had a productive joint session of the Board of Directors, Senior Management, Principle Secretary and Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya, Mining Blue Economy & Maritime Affairs, to inaugurate the New Board of Directors The session also served to align strategies, share thoughts on how to work together to deliver the promise of the Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda and Power the Maritime Industry. CS H.E. Salim Mvurya delivered a keynote address. 

Hamisi Mwaguya and His Meteoric Rise To be One of the most Influential Leaders To Hail from the Coast

HAMISI MWAGUYA AND HIS METEORIC RISE TO BE ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL LEADERS FROM THE REGION  A political maestro who has unmatched ability to read and scheme the game, a juggernaut in matters leadership and a man many view as the undisputed next kingpin of the vast Mijikenda nation, truly Mr Hamisi Mwaguya's stars could not align much more.  He embodies all the necessary traits to break through the usually saturated party political walls often erected by those who shudder to see others rise to stardom. Mr Mwaguya is stoic, fearless to walk on the uncharted territories , explorer of the yet to be explored , humble and rich in empathy, he is without doubt destined for bigger things. Greatness seems to be gross understatement in my opinion.  Mr Mwaguya is often referred to as the SAVIOUR-IN-WAITING by those who adore and gushes over him, studying him much closer will validate their standpoint and views. He has the knuckles to never shy away from speaking his mind, agita

Manhole Cover Vandals in Mombasa County Put on Notice

MANHOLE COVER VANDALS IN MOMBASA COUNTY PUT ON NOTICE  CECM Transport and infrastructure Manyala Dan has cautioned those who are stealing manhole covers telling them that they are putting the lives of thousands of people at risk. Mr Manyala urged the public to report such issues to county government or the police in a bid to curb the constant theft of the covers that secure the manholes.  "Theft of manhole covers contributes to drainage system blockages and puts public health at risk. " he posted on his social media page adding members of the public are encouraged to report such cases to the CGM enforcement officers or the nearest Police Station. Open manholes pose a great risk to unsuspecting people, kids and animals. It also causes blockages and clogged drainage systems.  The County government of Mombasa through the Department of Transport and Infrastructure has been making improvements to the drainage system while covering manholes that have been vandalised.

Hon Mohammed Adow,Unselfish, Kind Leader Who has the Interest of His People at Heart.

HON MOHAMMED ADOW; UNSELFISH, KIND LEADER WHO HAS THE INTEREST OF HIS PEOPLE AT HEART. When leaders have a purpose and objectives in getting into positions to serve the masses, success is the ultimate outcome. “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” ~ Theodore M. Hesburgh. Hon Mohammed Adow, an experienced, vibrant and result oriented leader has been showing flashes of great leadership capabilities from the onset of his public life. Those flashes have gradually given way to a fleeting, inspiring and very clear mature leadership style that is rare to see in our current state of leadership affairs in Kenya.  Hon Adow's leadership hinged on delivery, objectivity and passion-driven has catapulted him to great pedestal and enabled him to scale up the heights of leadership ladder to become an elected leader who is very popular. He is the duly elected MP Wajir South.  Humility and discipline has been his major sour

Mohamed Osman Ali, CECM Tourism, Trade and Culture Devolves Single Business Permit Process

MOHAMED OSMAN ALI, CECM TOURISM, TRADE AND CULTURE DEVOLVES THE SINGLE BUSINESS PERMITS PROCESS  In his plans to transform the Department of Tourism, Culture and Trade -Mombasa County CECM Mohamed Osman Ali has devolved the single business permit process to each sub-county. He says the goal is to make it easier for businesses to get started and thrive in the communities.  Yesterday morning, the CECM had a meeting with the licensing officers to equip them with the necessary tools to perform their duties effectively. He reiterated his confidence that the team is well-prepared to support the local businesses. By devolving the services to sub-county level, will assist in accessing the business and achieving His Excellency Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir manifesto in providing services to the sub county and ward levels in order to revitalize the economy.

Mahmoud Noor is an Epitome of Grace and Honesty, Vital Traits every leader should possess

MAHMOUD NOOR IS AN EPITOME OF GRACE AND HONESTY, VITAL TRAITS FOR A TRUE LEADER TO POSSESS  What makes an individual be referred to as a Leader? Well,  It's not about fist pumping and activism on stage. It's not about being angry and wanting revenge. It's not about holding big titles or occupying huge offices.  Leadership entails the art of identifying a problem with the aim and intent to solve it. Its about making positive impact on the men and women who look upto you for inspiration and guidance.  It's about transformation and development.  Mahmoud Noor popularly known as Mentor 001 is one true leader endowed with sheer brilliance and honest clean heart. Mahmoud Noor is a dedicated servant who fits and ticks all the requirements of who a leader should be. A man who always been on the forefront in agitating for the welfare of the youths and the entire community and who has tirelessly and selflessly toiled to ensure he serves the people he so well loves. The

Hon Zamzam Mohammed Has The Interest of the People at Heart.

HON ZAMZAM MOHAMMED; UNSELFISH, KIND LEADER WHO HAS THE INTEREST OF HER PEOPLE AT HEART. When leaders have a purpose and objectives in getting into positions to serve the masses, success is the ultimate outcome. The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.. Hon Zamzam Mohammed, an experienced, vibrant and result oriented leader has been showing flashes of great leadership capabilities from the onset of her public life. Those flashes have gradually given way to a fleeting, inspiring and very clear mature leadership style that is rare to see in our current state of leadership affairs in Kenya.  Hon Zamzam's leadership hinged on delivery, objectivity and passion-driven has catapulted her to great pedestal and enabled her to scale up the heights of leadership ladder to become an elected leader who is very popular. She is the duly elected Women Rep, Mombasa county.  Humility and discipline has been her major source of i

Ongoing Road Works at Shika Adabu, Likoni Mombasa County

ONGOING ROAD WORKS AT MFEREJINI, SHIKA ADABU LIKONI  Infrastructure is important for faster economic growth and alleviation of poverty. Lack of adequate infrastructure not only holds back economic development, it also causes additional costs in terms of time, effort and money of the people for accessing essential social services such as healthcare and education. Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir's agenda clearly gives priority to development of roads, improving drainages and installation of streetlights.  Through the Department of Transport and Infrastructure headed by CECM Manyala Dan, Mferejini Shika Adabu Likoni roads is getting face-lift.

Hon Aden Duale Attends International Quran Memorization Competition

HON ADEN DUALE ATTENDS INTERNATIONAL QURAN MEMORIZATION COMPETITION  Hon Aden Duale, CS Defence has attended the 4th International Quran Memorization and Recitation Competition organized by the Quran Association of Kenya, led by our Prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Umul. The Holy Quran Competition has become a routine, pious exercise that aims to promote literacy in the Quran and encourage its recitation, memorization and application in real life. The event held at Sir Ali Sports Club attracted participants from over 40 African countries. The jury, led by Sheikh Abdirashid Ali Sufi, composed prominent Muslim scholars.  The winning students in each of the categories were recognized and appreciated as follows: 30 JUZZ BOYS WINNERS FROM ALL OVER AFRICA 1. OUBAYDOULLAH BOUBACAR ANGO - NIGER 2. MOHAMED SAID IRATNI - ALGERIA 3. MOUSSA AHMED ELY - MAURITANIA 4. SIDALI MOHAMED NUR - SOMALIA 5. IBRAHIM ALI ABDULKAREEM - NIGERIA 6. AHMED MOHAMED SABIR ALI - LIBYA 7. ISMA

Hon Mwenda Thuranira Is a True Leader. Let's support Him till the End

HON MWENDA THURANIRA IS A TRUE LEADER. LETS SUPPORT HER  When leaders go out of their way to solve the problems faced by the common people and ensure the wellbeing of everyone is taken care of, then we have all reasons to justifiably refer to such leaders as TRUE  Great philanthropist and the darling of the masses Hon Mwenda Thuranira fits perfectly into the bracket of real leaders. He is a true leader who has the interest of his people at heart. From education to employment, empowerment to health, Isiolo people have made a huge stride under his informed and wise leadership. Let's continue to rally behind this wonderful servant of the people to continue serving us.

Former MP Abdikarim Osman Grabbed Kenya Railways Land

ABDIKARIM OSMAN GRABBED KENYA RAILWAYS LAND  Abdikarim Osman, a political failure who has been booted out of Parliament by the people of Fafi has grabbed acres of land belonging to the public and in a bid to divert the attention of the people from his wanton thievery is now having a panic-stricken meltdown on social media forums.  The illiterate and academically not endowed former MP has illegally grabbed land belonging to Kenya Railways and the guilt is eating him up thus his misguided, baseless, incoherent and social media blabbering.  The government doesn't condone thievery and stealing of public assets and he must return the land he stole to the rightful owners-Kenyans.

African Maritime Administrations Conference Held in Mombasa County

THE 6TH AFRICAN MARITIME ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCE KICKED OFF IN MOMBASA, KENYA  The 6th Conference of the African Maritime Administration has kicked off in Mombasa with Kenya Maritime Authority Chairman Hamisi Mwaguya delivering his speech infront of hundreds of delegates.  "Our Oceans are not mere bodies of water, they are the lifeblood of our economies, the path to our shared destiny and the thread that weaves the tapestry of our African Maritime Heritage. The Maritime Authorities are the Custodians of this Heritage"  "We welcome all delegates for 49 African Countries Attending the 6th Conference of the African Maritime Administrations in the Mombasa, Kenya. Kenya Maritime Authority." Mwaguya said.