
Showing posts from November, 2023

Manyala Dan's Exceptional Work Points to Governor Abdulswamad's Wisdom in Selection

GOVERNOR ABDULSWAMAD HAS MADE THE RIGHT DECISION APPOINTING MANYALA DAN AS CECM TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE. Governor Abdulswamad's wisdom and leadership skills is well manifested in his pick for his County Executives in each respective department. In all of the great men and women he placed in this dockets to drive his agendas for the people of Mombasa county, he chose technocrats and people with the knowledge and expertise.  Case in point  Transport and infrastructure CECM Manyala Dan has shown impeccable leadership in his docket. This man is selflessly toiling to ensure he drives the agendas of the Governor well.  He is resolute. He is accessible. He is hardworking. He is industrious in his bid to ensure we delivers on his mandate. Thank you Governor Abdulswamad Shariff for entrusting your cabinet on men and women of huge integrity. People who are instrumental in helping make Mombasa great.


SUPPORTING OUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT IS A SHOW OF PATRIOTISM  *ABDI SAMA TIMBERLAKE* The great people of Mombasa County have the responsibility to provide support and encouragement to the county government and it's leadership. In any establishment, development and progress can only be attained if we shelve our political differences and come together as one united family pulling to the same direction.  Social media has been awash with condemnation and castigating of the government of Governor Abdulswamad Shariff following the heavy downpour experienced not only in Mombasa County but across Kenya.  Of course, there are grievances and issues that should have been dealt with swiftly by the county government. The residents have all the reasons to feel aggrieved and air out their displeasure,disappointment and dissatisfaction. Rightfully so. But Rome was not built one day. This county needs fixing and I am confident Abdulswamad and those he entrusted to implement his agendas are


HON ADEN DUALE JOINS PRESIDENT RUTO DURING THE 14TH ANNIVERSARY OF JOYFUL WOMEN ORGANIZATION  Hon Aden Duale joined H.E President William Ruto, other State and foreign dignitaries, during Joyful Women Organization 14th anniversary at Kasarani, Nairobi County. The Organization promotes women's economic empowerment and financial inclusion, through a unique model of Table Banking that incorporates technology and emerging financial practices. Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the core pillars identified by the Kenya Kwanza Administration as the pathway towards economic recovery and inclusive growth, especially of the women and youth of our country. Present for the commemoration were the First Lady Rachel Ruto, Deputy President’s spouse Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, African First Ladies Monica Geingos (Namibia), Rebecca Akufo-Addo (Ghana), Angeline Ndayishimiye (Burundi) and Janet Museveni (Uganda), the Prime Cabinet Secretary Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Cabin

Elnino Disaster Would Have Never Happened if Mombasa Leaders Cared about the People

THE ELNINO DISASTER WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED IF OUR LEADERS CARES ABOUT US MOMBASA COUNTY RESIDENTS  Transport and infrastructure gets a huge chunk and a lion's share of the Mombasa County resource allocations every year. Almost a quarter of the allocations from the National Government to Mombasa is given to the department to deal with infrastructure issues like urban roads maintenance, drainage systems, floodlights/streetlights, sewers and other vital Infrastructural development.  Yet a drop of rain and our drainage systems fail. It clogs and chokes subsequently turning the entire Mombasa county into one huge swamp. Yet, each year since Devolution, billions have been pumped into this department to deal with such issues. 70% of the county has no security lights or have faulty one which flickers and blink the entire night making you struggle to even see an inch infront of you. Again, billions of taxpayers money is given to this department which fizzles out all the time.

Hon Duale Joins President Ruto at National Defence University for its First Graduation

HON DUALE JOINS PRESIDENT RUTO AT NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY FOR IT'S FIRST GRADUATION  The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) not only contribute to national security and regional stability but are also instrumental, through the National Defence University - Kenya (NDU-K) in shaping the capacity of strategic thinkers and implementers to support the development of sound policies and strategies while at the same time proffer practical innovative solutions to address our security challenges and contribute to national development. Today, at the National Defence University - Kenya (NDU-K) in Lanet, Nakuru County, Hon Aden Duale, Cabinet Secretary for Defence was deeply honoured to host H.E the President, the Commander-in-Chief of our Defence Forces and the Chancellor of the University, Dr. William Samoei Ruto, for the first-ever graduation ceremony since the inception of the University. The graduating class comprised of multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral and multinational students

Chairman Mwaguya Reiterates KMAs Commitment to Streamline the Sector

HAMISI MWAGUYA REITERATES KMAs COMMITMENT TO STREAMLINE AND ELEVATE THE SECTOR TO CONTRIBUTE MORE TO THE GDP AND ATTRACT MORE PLAYERS. Kenya Maritime Authority Chairman Hamisi Mwaguya has reiterated the authority's commitment to streamline and elevate the sector to contribute more to the GDP and attract local players into Shipping and Maritime industry. He added that KMA will always be on the forefront in promoting preservation of the marine environment and investment.  Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) was set up in June 2004 as the semi-autonomous agency in charge of regulatory oversight over the Kenyan maritime industry. Maritime safety and security is one of the Authority’s core functions. As the pacesetter of the Kenyan maritime industry,  "KMA strives to strengthen national maritime administration through enhancement of regulatory and institutional capacities for safety and security, fostering effective implementation of international maritime conventions and ot

Ijara constituency Thriving Under the Leadership of Hon Abdi Ali

IJARA CONSTITUENCY BECOMING A MODEL CONSTITUENCY FOR ALL THE OTHER LEADERS COURTESY OF HON SHEIKHOW's SERVANT LEADERSHIP  True definition of leadership entails the art of bringing about absolute positive change while having an impact on the lives of the people who elected you. In the midst of an era where leaders don't care about the welfare of the common men and women, one leader who has rightfully earned the right to be called "True Leader ' is the youthful and ambitious vibrant Ijara constituency MP Hon Abdi Ali Sheikhow. Indeed, he is some of the positive news that came out of the last general elections.  In his endeavour to make Ijara progress, prosper and develop, this man has rolled up his sleeves buzzing to deliver on his mandate, given to him by the great people of Ijara. He has brought back the art of servant leadership.  As per the resolute commitment to deliver on his promises, Hon Abdi Ali has embarked on a serious mission to make Ijara one of

Hon Duale Holds Bilateral Talks With U.S Senators and U.S Ambassador at Defence Headquarters

HON DUALE HOLDS BILATERAL TALKS WITH U.S SENATORS AND U.S AMBASSADOR TO KENYA AT THE DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS  *ABDI SAMA TIMBERLAKE* Hon Aden Duale, Cabinet Secretary Defence morning at the Defence Headquarters held bilateral talks with a delegation of US Senators led by Hon. Markwayne Mullin and the US Ambassador to Kenya Her Excellency Ms. Meg Whitman. This meeting comes hot on the heels of a recent visit by the US Secretary for Defense Mr. Lloyd Austin III. Kenya and the United States (U.S) have enjoyed long and strategic partnerships with the latter investing heavily in modernizing Kenya's security structures and agencies to address emerging threats through intelligence sharing, maritime security, joint training and military assistance through Excess Defence Articles (EDA).  Hon Duale informed the delegation that Kenya is increasingly playing a leadership role in pursuit of regional peace and security in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region which is evident by

Mwenda Thuranira, a Humble Kind Leader Who Helps Without Prejudice

MWENDA THURANIRA, A HUMBLE, KIND LEADER WHO HELPS WITHOUT PREJUDICE. A TRUE EPITOME OF GRACE.  *BLOGGER ABDI SAMA TIMBERLAKE* If there is a sublime leader who has unwaveringly stood with me and many other youth without a fail, then Mwenda Thuranira. For once, forget about his position as a well-known realtor and delve into his personality as a wonderful human being.  My assertions are not out of sycophantic adulation or looking for favours but it's a reality that borders more of facts than merely baseless words aimed to flatter the future Governor of Isiolo County.  There is no question about his leadership capabilities but his down to earth demeanour can hardly be ignored..  Mr Mwenda  unlike other politicians who let status go into their head and corrupt their mind is calm, cool, confident and composed. He listens to your concerns with the utmost seriousness and approaches issues with open mind. He hardly ever judges even when he has all the reasons to do so. This is

YOWPSUD officially Kick off Their "JITAMBUE" Mentorship Sessions in Kilifi North

YOWPSUD KICK OFF THEIR "JITAMBUE " MENTORSHIP SESSIONS IN KILIFI NORTH  Youth and Women for Peace and Sustainable Development (YOWPSUD) are thrilled to kick off their “Jitambue” mentorship sessions with youth beneficiaries in Kilifi North under the Pamoja initiative ARIVE project funded by Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund through Act Change Transform.  The sessions are designed to offer a holistic approach and support to young people’s socio-economic development. Through these sessions, youth are expected to enhance their personal and professional skills, boost their confidence and belief in their abilities. 

Tourism, Trade and Culture Department Performance Vital and a Cornerstone to Governor Abdulswamad's Success

TOURISM, TRADE AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT CANDID APPROACH WILL BE THE CORNERSTONE TO GOVERNOR ABDULSWAMAD's SUCCESS.  *ABDI SAMA TIMBERLAKE* Department of Tourism, Culture and Trade, Mombasa county has been one of the best and well run departments under the government of County CEO Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir. Just by keenly following their robust and very efficient activities, one can't help but admire the grit and the determination of CECM Mohamed Osman Ali. With him, he has brought that discipline and urgency to implement the goals and agendas of the Governor in matters relating to that sector. The Department is working around the clock in realization of a 24hour economy meant to spur economic growth, building of institutional capacity to support SMEs sustainable growth. Encouraging International franchises to set up shops in Mombasa and Kenya at large by the Department and its subsequent success is a true testimony of the paradigm shift the county has taken in creat

Hon Adow Tours Part of Wajir South Ravaged by Floods

HON ADOW TOURS PARTS OF WAJIR SOUTH RAVAGED BY FLOODS Wajir South MP Hon Mohammed Adow toured via chopper areas ravaged by flash floods in Dadajabula, Burder and Diif, Wajir South. He was joined by the Culture and Heritage PS Umi Bashir and Burder and Diif MCAs Hon Abdirashid Tajir and Hon Fanax Asture respectively. The tour afforded him an aerial and ground assessment of the situation our people are facing; it is a dire situation that requires urgent intervention. Ensuring that they get the support they need remains a top priority. "Many thanks to the Red Cross team for its involvement in the recovery efforts and for availing aid to the victims of the floods. I joined the team in distributing relief aid to the victims and offered my contribution to help ease the suffering wrought by the flash floods." Hon Adow said. "My appeal is to both state and non-state actors to channel resources towards helping our people deal with this natural disaster."

Hon Aden Duale Joins Other Leaders During Bilateral Meeting with Czech Prime Minister

HON DUALE JOINS OTHER LEADERS DURING A BILATERAL MEETING WITH CZECH PRIME MINISTER  Today, Hon Aden Duale joined other national dignitaries at the State House, Nairobi, during a bilateral meeting hosted by President William Samoei Ruto in the presence of the visiting Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, H.E Prof. Petr Fiala and his retinue. The two leaders underscored the potential Kenya has as a strategic and untapped market, with the Czech Republic outlining their advancements to establish and explore this potential. Also present were Deputy President H.E. Rigathi Gachagua, EGH, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, colleague Cabinet Secretaries among other leaders.

Hon Adow Calls for State Organs and Aid Agencies to Come to the Help of Wajir South after Huge Floods.

WAJIR SOUTH MP HON ADOW CALLS FOR STATE ORGANS TO HELP HIS PEOPLE.  Wajir South MP Hon Mohammed Adow has called on state organs and aid agencies to come to the aid of his constituents as flash floods wrecked havoc in Wajir South. The MP said Diff town in Wajir South is completely marooned by flash floods caused by the ongoing heavy rains as most residents of the town are living in the open on higher grounds and are at the mercy of the elements. " We have sounded the alarm and am grateful to the Kenya Red Cross for their prompt action in marshaling teams to carry out preliminary assessment of the situation and also for mobilising much needed aid" He said adding that Diff can only be accessed via helicopters and it might be awhile before aid gets to the affected community.

Mombasa Drainage Systems and its Good Management helped Reduce the effects of Flooding

MOMBASA DRAINAGE SYSTEMS AND ITS GOOD MANAGEMENT HAS GREATLY HELPED IN CURBING THE FLOODING  Mombasa County's great management of its drainage systems and its subsequent maintenance has been the saving grace during the rains that pounded the coastal city in the last few days. Unlike other counties which has experienced exponential and risky flooding leading to lose of properties, Mombasa county had a well crafted mitigating measures in place to deal with the likely scenario of such outcome as huge flooding.  Thanks to the good work by County government through the Department of Transport and Infrastructure, a catastrophic results has been avoided by putting in place measures to address the past challenges occasioned by the rampant flooding.  Since the current government came to office, the Department of Transport and Infrastructure has invested hugely on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the drainage systems which is the main conduit of directing flood water